Akira Singh

Akira Singh


Akira is a qualified physiotherapist with two years of work experience in private healthcare. She completed her studies at the university of KwaZulu-Natal in 2019 and further went on to complete her community service in 2020 in Harrismith, Free State. Akira was born and raised in Durban. During her schooling years, Akira was a sportswoman and enjoyed playing a variety of sports, with her favourite being artistic swimming. This sporting background played a significant role in her becoming a physiotherapist. Akira strives to connect with her patients to better understand their concerns and aims to educate and empower her patients with the knowledge and tools to improve their overall quality of life through the median of physiotherapeutic interventions. Akira’s passion for people is what drives her.

“Strive for progress always” – unknown.

Please use the following contact details to book an appointment:

Durban North Smile Centre website: https://dnsc.co.za/contact/

WhatsApp: 061 519 7330

Email: asinghphysio.29@gmail.com

You can also visit Akira’s Instagram page: @akirasinghphysiotherapist.